St. Columba's Parish Moyamba, Catholic Diocese of Bo. Sierra Leone
Welcome to DPICEF
DE PAUL INITIATIVE FOR CHARITY AND EMPOWERMENT FOUNDATION as a Charitable Foundation is a non-profit, non-governmental and humanitarian organization duly registered and licensed with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) in Nigeria on the 23rd of June, 2022 and with the government of Sierra Leone in 2022 respectfully.
It is also a non-faith based organization because we do not discriminate against religion though our values, persuasions, interest and intents originated from GOD OUR CREATOR and Saint Vincent de Paul our founder.
As a foundation, we are not limited to a particular nation, race or tribe. We are ready to serve where and whenever the need arises.The VINCENTIAN FATHERS (CONGREGATION OF THE MISSION) PROVINCE OF NIGERIA, SIERRA LEONE MISSION
We are Vincentian Fathers (Priests of the Congregation of the Mission, Province of Nigeria) working in St. Columba's Parish Moyamba, Catholic Diocese of Bo, Sierra Leone.
Generally, we participate in parish apostolate, school apostolate, prison apostolate, youth ministry and children ministry. As missionaries in Sierra Leone, we desire to be more involved in school Apostolate as a means through which we can impact positively and concretely in the lives of children who are the future hope of the country, especially the needy. We have 30 outstations under our pastoral care.
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The foundation being a religious one builds its aims and objectives in Union with the teachings of Jesus and St. Vincent de Paul our founder ( Luke 4:18- 19). With the vision to reach out and serve the poor in our society.
It is our dream to generate funds internally and externally in order to build different facilities that will serve and reach out to people in their different needs.
* To provide educational services at primary, secondary and university level.
* To offer vocational and empowerment services through our skill acquisition centers.
* To offer agro services that will empower the youths in our communities.
* To offer scholarship programs for our target groups.
* To provide learning materials, food and other supports for our target groups.
* To train and empower youths in other skills they may wish to undertake.
* We hope to pay particular attention to the Girl-child..
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Wow! You're doing a great job. There is hope for the girl child in Sierra Leone. Kudos!
Wow!! Great stride fr...Thank you for your tenacity.. God bless this muster seed to grow and multiple..
It is not really easy but we are thankful to God Almighty for your efforts. Your good dream for the poor girl child
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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and type setting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's post standard dummy text
Congratulations Padre and the girls! May God pave way for us to be a source of joy and blessing to the foundation. AMEN!
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St. Columba's Parish Moyamba, Catholic Diocese of Bo. Sierra Leone.